Lawrence Bishnoi

Lawrence Bishnoi Gang Involved In Attack On Mohali Police HQ

Lawrence Bishnoi gang involved in a terrorist attack on Mohali Police Headquarters, big disclosure of investigative agencies. There has been…

3 years ago

Four Shooters Involved In Musewala’s Murder Were Killed

Four shooters involved in Sidhu Musewala's murder were killed in an encounter, and gangsters Jagroop Roopa and Manupreet Manu were…

3 years ago

STF Arrested 5 Miscreants Of Kala Jethri Gang In Gurugram

STF arrested 5 miscreants of the Kala Jethri and Lawrence Bishnoi gang in Gurugram. Big news has come out in…

3 years ago

Lawrence Bishnoi Gang Now Demanded Ransom

Lawrence Bishnoi gang now demanded ransom from the school operator of Gurugram, said- soon they will kill two amounts or…

3 years ago