ICMR DG: There Will Be Effective Vaccine And Treatment Of COVID

ICMR DG: There will be an effective vaccine and treatment of COVID in India in the coming time.  Cases of corona infection began to increase in India about six months ago. This was a period when no one understood how to overcome it. The news coming from abroad was extremely frightening. Lockdown was imposed in the country to deal with this sudden epidemic. This period was quite frightening.

The reason was that corona was a new virus about which no one knew much. This is why people were very afraid. With imprisonment in homes, we could not understand what to do to prevent infection. The truth is that in the last four-five months we have learned to live with Corona. We know that we need to be careful not to be afraid of the coronavirus. Today we are moving towards unlocked four. Life is returning to its pattern.

People have started going to the office and to their work. People are also going out to buy goods and other important works in the markets. Conditions are becoming quite common and this is a good sign. But this does not mean that we give up a caution, caution is the only option to avoid coronavirus infection and we have learned this in the last few months. Putting masks, keeping physical distance, in a place where there is no open-air, there is no gathering of people, avoiding such events in which more people need to gather, etc.

Things still need to be implemented today. Apart from this, taking equal care of hand hygiene has become a part of our habit and it is proving to be important for dealing with corona. As the epidemic progressed, we gained a lot of information and kept updating. Meanwhile, the ICMR DG said that there will be an effective vaccine and treatment of COVID in India in the coming time

On the one hand, the doctors had understood how to prevent infection, while on the other hand people had also agreed to how to live with Corona. The manner in which people were frightened and imprisoned in homes at the beginning of the epidemic. Now conditions and life have become quite normal but with precaution. It is clear that we have learned to live with it instead of being afraid.

ICMR DG said there are 50 percent cases of coronavirus in the country which are asymptomatic, ie without symptoms. Meaning that these people have also been cured of corona infection and they did not even know. At the same time, among those who got corona, more than 80 percent of people did not feel the need to go to the hospital and they were cured by staying at home. This also increased our courage and we started to understand that this is not a fearful thing.

The next two to three months are very important. Vaccine trials are being started and the results will start coming soon. At the same time medicines for the treatment of corona have also come and are coming continuously. This means that in the coming few months we will have vaccines as well as accurate treatment. At the same time, we are fully aware of all the methods of rescue, so now there is no reason why we should stop living life fearing Corona.

Do your work and pursue the country by living a normal life continuously. However, some people are still carefree and do not use masks regularly. They are negligent in following physical distance. These people can be fatal to themselves, they are also threatening others. Therefore some such people also need to be serious now and they have to understand that to protect against coronavirus, they have to wear masks, take care of hand hygiene, 100% compliance of physical distance.

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