AFMS Retiring 200 Officers To Get Service Expansion

AFMS retiring 200 officers to get service expansion. Armed Forces Medical Service(AFMS)) retiring 200 officers to get service expansion amid Corona crisis.

In the midst of the Corona crisis, around 200 officers of the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) Short Service Commission will be extended service by 31 December, given the situation of Covid-19 in the country.

The retirement of these officers was to take place in seven months.Extension of Short Service Commission to Military Medical Officers from 31 December.

In the medical team of the Chief of Defense Staff, Lieutenant General Dr. Madhuri Kanitkar said that these people have been selected for the Covid-19 management program organized by the armed forces.

Officers of AFMS Short Service Commission who are retiring after seven months are being given service extension.

These medical officers will now provide their services to Covid patients. These officers were about to complete the services, but now these services will be restored.

Lieutenant General Kanitkar said that a third woman has reached the level of a three-star general.

The other two female officers are Punita Arora, who served in the army and was later sent to the Navy. The third female officer is Air Marshal Padma Bandhopadhyay.

Army medical officers will provide their services to the patients of Covid-19.

SSC Medical Officers were earlier commissioned for five years in the Armed Forces which can be extended for another five years.

Lieutenant General Kanitkar believes that every country has to make its plans afresh due to Covid-19. Since health is capital. We need to rebuild the basic primary health framework.

Apart from this, those who have retired from AFMS have been advised to help patients suffering from corona in their areas. Retired nurses in state government hospitals will also contribute.

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