How Is The Preparation Going On For Chandrayaan-3 Mission, ISRO Released The Video And Gave Information

How is the preparation going on for Chandrayaan-3 mission, ISRO released the video and gave information.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission. The much-awaited mission of the International Space Research Organization (ISRO) Chandrayaan-3 is in the final stages of launch.

If everything goes according to plan, ISRO will launch Chandrayaan-3 to the Moon on July 13.

A few days back ISRO Chairman S. Somnath said that this time we will be able to do soft landing on the moon and India will get great success.

ISRO gave information through video.

Meanwhile, ISRO tweeted that on Wednesday (June 5) the encapsulated assembly of Chandrayaan-3 has been linked with LVM3 at the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota.

Explain that Chandrayaan-3 is present in this encapsulated assembly. ISRO has released a video posting, in which it can be seen that the encapsulated with LVM3 was assembled.

Chandrayaan-3’s lander has four payloads, while the six-wheeler has two payloads. ISRO announced that it has decided to name the lander and rover Chandrayaan-3 after the name of the lander and rover Chandrayaan-2.

How is the preparation going on for Chandrayaan-3 mission: Why is Chandrayaan 3 mission special?

So far, all the countries of the world that have sent their vehicles to the Moon have landed on the North Pole of the Moon.

But Chandrayaan-3 will be the first space mission to land on the South Pole of the Moon.

A few years ago, ISRO had also landed Chandrayaan-2 on the south pole of the moon, but the mission failed due to loss of contact in the last few minutes.

This time new equipment has been made for the success of Chandrayaan-3 mission. The algorithms have been improved in this mission.

The landing site of Chandrayaan-3 mission is called ‘Dark Side of Moon’ as this part does not come in front of the Earth.

’36 Rafales supplied to IAF on time’, French ambassador said – people worked in extra shifts.

France supplied the ‘Rafale’ on time to strengthen the strength of the Indian Air Force. Because of which 36 Rafale fighter jets have remained sentinels of India’s borders.

Meanwhile, the statement of French Ambassador to India Emmanuel Lenain came to the fore. In which he gave detailed information about the timely supply of 36 Rafale fighter jets.

He informed that all 36 Rafale aircraft were supplied to India on time despite the Covid-19 pandemic. However, people in the industry worked extra shifts to supply the fighter aircraft to India.

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