Karnataka’s Almatti Dam Not Behind 2019 Floods

Karnataka’s Almatti Dam not behind 2019 floods in Kolhapur, Sangli: Maharashtra Govt Board. The panel established by the Maharashtra government has said that last year’s overwhelming flood in western Maharashtra was not caused because of the Karnataka’s Almatti dam, an authority said.

The Drifter Advisory group, which presented its report to the state government as of late, has additionally suggested setting up of a board for flood the executives and recommended that authorities of the water assets office from Maharashtra and neighboring Karnataka be made part of it.

The board of trustees had been set up after Kolhapur and Sangli locale saw gigantic floods in August a year ago, which guaranteed human lives and murdered animals as well as harmed properties and demolished harvests to the tune of crores of rupees.

“The advisory group has not accused Almatti dam, situated close Sangli and Karnataka fringe, for causing floods in Kolhapur and Sangli. There are a few intersections of streams in a shorter separation between Karad (in Satara), Sangli and Kolhapur that lead to a quick ascent in water levels,” authority of the state water assets office said.

During the most recent year’s floods, it was claimed that the Karnataka government was mindful as it didn’t discharge water from the Almatti dam on the Krishna Stream and its backwater caused the flooding.

About the advisory group’s proposal for the development of a board, the authority stated, “The national level board will have individuals from the Middle just as authorities of the water assets office from the states engaged with it. For our situation, the Wadnere council has suggested setting up this board among Karnataka and Maharashtra.”

“It is in every case great to have appropriate water the executives’ framework set up and an official sharing of data. As of now, the region gatherer of Kolhapur and neighborhood dam specialists keep authorities of Almatti dam on top of it, yet it will be better if such a game plan is made accessible authoritatively,” he said.

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