Political Parties Should Think In The Interest Of Country
Political parties should think in the interest of the country: MS Bitta In Jodhpur.
MS Bitta, President of Anti Terrorist Front, while giving his views on the Taliban for the first time said that we have been hearing stories of the Taliban’s atrocities and even today those stories seem to be true.
Recalling the era of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, he said that even at that time Taliban used to damage temples of the Hindu religion all over India and used to spread terror.
In such a situation, political parties should think in the interest of the country except for personal interest. Patriotism should be at the first level.
Let no one tease us, otherwise, we will not leave. He came to Jodhpur on Monday and interacted with the journalists.
He said that if Article 370 had not been removed, a situation like Afghanistan would have happened here too.
Bitta told those who are against the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir.
They should think that if Article 370 had not been removed from Jammu and Kashmir, perhaps the same situation would have been seen in India today.
Today our country has become completely independent after the removal of Article 370. On 15 August and 26 January, the tricolor was hoisted in the entire Jammu and Kashmir.
Now no Talibani dare to even look at Jammu and Kashmir by raising their eyes.
On the manner in which celebrations are being held in Pakistan after the Taliban came to power, Bitta said that Pakistan has already kneeled before India.
Even after the removal of Article 370, Pakistan was not able to do anything, the way our Prime Minister had said that we do not tease anyone, we do not leave if someone teases us.
If someone sees in front of our borders, then we will not spare anyone, whether it is the Taliban Is it Pakistan or is it China?
Be aware of internal security.
Bitta said that after the coming to power of the Taliban, we definitely need to be alert. My instruction is that all political parties need to be united for national security and national interest.
We need to show solidarity just as the Taliban are one. They are only 70000, we are in the number of crores.
There is a need to show solidarity to all political parties on the issue of national interest, national security, Article 370.