SC Gave The Verdict In EC And Madras HC Dispute

SC gave the verdict in Election Commission and Madras High Court dispute said- the court’s strong reactions.

The Supreme Court heard today the plea regarding a dispute between Madras High Court and Election Commission.

Announced by the Madras High Court’s sarcastic remarks about the Assembly elections, the SC, while giving the verdict on the petition of the Election Commission, said that the reactions of the High Court were harsh.

The Supreme Court said that the language of the rulings and the bench should have been restrained and should be sensitive.

At the same time, the Supreme Court also said that the Election Commission should ensure that the orders are followed. It was stated on behalf of the Supreme Court Justice Chandrachud while hearing the case.

Supreme Court said – Media can not be stopped from reporting.

Also, while delivering its verdict, the Supreme Court said that the court cannot stop the media from reporting. The Supreme Court said that sometimes we get tough because we want the well-being of the people.

If action is not taken even after successive orders, the High Court may suffer. The Supreme Court also clarified that the Madras High Court cannot make such comments a part of its decision.

The Election Commission objected to the Madras High Court’s comment.

Let me tell you that when the hearing, in this case, was held on Monday this week, the Election Commission said that the situation was not so bad when the rallies were happening, so we have an objection to the High Court’s comment.

Know the whole matter.

Explain that the Madras High Court had held responsible for disseminating the corona, making extremely strict comments on the Election Commission after the Corona Protocol was broken at the assembly election rallies.

The High Court had said that the Election Commission is responsible for the second wave of Corona and a ‘murder case’ should be pursued by the Commission officials.

The Election Commission went to the Supreme Court against this remark and said that after this comment the media is calling us murderers.

Today, the Supreme Court(SC)  gave its important verdict on the petition of the Election Commission

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