Anger Harmful Effects: How Anger Can Damage Your Health From Heart To Mind

Anger Harmful Effects: How Anger Can Damage Your Health from Heart to Mind.

Discover the harmful effects of anger on your health. Learn how frequent anger can impair digestion, disturb sleep, harm your heart, and affect mental health, increasing the risk of heart attacks and emotional disorders.

Anger Harmful Effect: Anger can spoil your health, it can increase the temperature from the heart to the mind.

We are all human and being human we often express our emotions. Laughing, crying, sadness, and happiness are all different emotions, which come up at different times.

Anger (Anger Harmful Effect) is also one such emotion of ours, which often comes in the form of protest or disagreement with something.

Not only is it an uncomfortable emotion, but being angry for too long can also hurt your health.

Getting angry again and again can cause serious harm to health.

If you are also one of those people, who often get angry over small things, then today in this article we will tell you about the harmful effects of anger on health.

Anger Harmful Effects: Impair digestion.

Much research shows that your brain and gut are in constant communication and influence each other. One role of our autonomic nervous system is to help regulate digestion.

But when the body goes into flight or fight mode, it can become disturbed, as it can in response to stress, and this affects digestion.

Disturb sleep.

People who struggle to control their anger or feel angry frequently may experience poor sleep.

One study looked at the relationship between anger and sleep disturbances. In simple words, people who get angry a lot often have trouble sleeping peacefully.

Bad for the heart.

Getting angry causes the body to release stress hormones, which over time can adversely affect your heart health.

Research shows that anger causes changes in the heart, which impairs the muscles’ ability to pump blood, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and later heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Affect mental health.

Being in a state of anger can also affect mental health.

Studies show that anger is often associated with emotional disorders like anxiety and depression and can negatively impact your mental health with worse symptoms.

Increase the risk of heart attack.

Some evidence suggests that anger is specifically linked to a higher risk of heart attack.

In one study, researchers found that the risk of heart attacks increased more than two times within two hours after an angry outburst.

This danger also increased with the increasing intensity of anger. According to researchers, this suggests that extreme anger is worse for your heart.

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