Bengaluru School Threat: 15 Schools Receive Bomb Threats, Deputy CM Assures Swift Action

Bengaluru School Threat: 15 Schools Receive Bomb Threats, Deputy CM Assures Swift Action.

Stay informed about the bomb threats targeting 15 schools in Bengaluru. Deputy CM’s assurance, ongoing police investigation, and heightened security measures: Bengaluru School Threat.

Get the latest updates on the developing situation: 15 schools in Bengaluru received a bomb threat, mail was sent simultaneously; bomb squad was deployed.

About 15 schools in Karnataka’s capital Bengaluru received bomb threat emails on Friday morning. After which a situation of tension has arisen in the entire area.

Although the administration has ordered to evacuation of all the schools, they suspect that someone has deliberately sent such a mail.

At present, a thorough investigation is being conducted before ruling out all possibilities. Bomb squad teams have started investigations near many schools.

Bengaluru School Threat: Deputy CM visited the school.

The Deputy CM also visited a school soon after receiving information about this news.

He said, “I was watching TV, and the school opposite my house also received a threat mail. I came here to investigate. So far it seems to be a threat call, but we are very alert about it.”

He said, “Parents are a little worried, but there is no need to worry. The police are looking into it.”

“Some mischievous people might have done this, we will catch them in 24 hours. Cybercrime police are active, They are doing their job. We should also be alert and not be careless.”

Report submitted to CM.

On this news, Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah said, “The police will investigate and I have directed them to do so.

Security measures have been taken and parents need not panic. I have instructed the police to inspect schools and increase security.” “Instruction has been given.

No suspicious items were found.

Police said that the school authorities immediately informed the police about this mail, after which the police along with bomb disposal squads and anti-sabotage investigation teams reached the concerned institutions.

Police said students and staff were immediately evacuated from the school premises.

However, no suspicious object has been found yet. As soon as parents heard about the incident, they immediately rushed to the school to pick up their children.

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