China Violates Joint Declaration To Control Hong Kong

China violates joint declaration to control Hong Kong, Britain makes serious allegations. Britain has accused China of violating the Joint Declaration over Hong Kong.

Britain’s Foreign Minister Dominic Raab made this accusation against the backdrop of China’s increasing control over Hong Kong.

Raab said that ‘radical restrictions on participation in Hong Kong’s election system .. is part of a plan to suppress and harass all voices criticizing China’s policies.

China will be able to create a puppet government.

After this change, China will be able to form its own puppet government in Hong Kong. A committee will be formed, which will select the chief executive (head of the nation) of the city.

This committee will have the authority to appoint most of the members in the 90-member Hong Kong. Raab said China’s move was a violation of the declaration for the third time in less than nine months.

Difference between China’s words and actions.

The Foreign Minister said, “If the Chinese administration continues to take action, now I have to tell that Britain believes that China is constantly disregarding the joint declaration.

It shows the growing gap between China’s promises and its action.

The agreement was reached in 1984.

An agreement was reached between Britain and China in 1984 under which Hong Kong was liberated from British rule and under Chinese rule in 1997.

Under the agreement, there was talk of giving autonomy, civil rights, and independence to Hong Kong for at least 50 years.

China also implemented the National Security Law (NSL) in Hong Kong last year. Since then many pro-democracy people have been arrested.

EU criticizes China over Hong Kong.

China has been criticized by the European Union (EU) for Hong Kong’s political situation. The EU has described the situation as a ‘dangerous political decline’ and ‘erosion of autonomy, democracy, and fundamental freedoms.

According to the South China Morning Post, the EU in its annual report on Hong Kong has criticized China’s increasing control over there.

EU Vice President Joseph Burrell said the NSL implemented by Beijing in Hong Kong is being used to suppress democracy, suppress opponents, and abolish fundamental freedoms.

China violates joint declaration: G7 also expressed concern.

Seven developed countries’ organization G-7 has also raised serious concerns over China’s decision to make a drastic change in Hong Kong’s electoral system.

The G-7 includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, and the United States. These countries have called the charges against the one-country-two principle of China.

The group has asked China to work under the UK-Chinese joint declaration. Beijing has been asked to respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong.

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