India’s Attack On Pakistan In The United Nations
India’s attack on Pakistan in the United Nations. In the context of Pakistan, India stated that the principle of self-determination is being deliberately misunderstood and misused by a particular nation.
It was not established by the United Nations as a justification for undermining one’s territorial integrity.
India’s attack on Pakistan said in a statement on ‘NSGTs and disintegration that since the principle of self-determination, as perceived on the agreed agenda of this committee.
It continues to be deliberately misinterpreted and misused by a special delegation, it is once again exposed It is pertinent that the United Nations has established the doctrine as a vehicle.
The dissolution of 17 non-autonomous regions (NSGTs) is a worthy cause on the agenda of this committee, and not as a justification for reducing the territorial integrity of any Member State.
India stated that it strongly believed that following a pragmatic approach to devolution would surely fulfill the legitimate wishes of the people of NSGT.
The statement said that we should strive to increase cooperation with international agencies and actors and add resources for the 17 NSGTs. This will surely enable them to build capacity in their just and noble quest.
India said that as a former colony, it has always been at the forefront of the struggle against colonialism and apartheid since its independence seven decades ago.
Since the creation of the United Nations, more than 80 former colonies gained their independence and joined the UN family. “However, the process of disintegration that began with our own independence remains incomplete,” said Tuesday.
In 2011, the General Assembly was to announce the current decade, 2011–2020, as the third international decade for the abolition of colonialism, a period that is coming later this year.
India noted that there are still 17 NSGTs, which are at various stages of the decolonization process on the agenda of this committee. We need to step up our efforts to end this long process, ”said India.