Israeli Airstrikes Demolish The Large House, Six Dead

Israeli airstrikes demolish the large house, six dead, Gulf Arab countries angry: Israeli – Palestinian conflict. At least six people were killed in Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday morning.

A large residential house was blown up in the air raid. Israel’s military said it targeted militant targets in Khan Yunus and Rafah and 52 aircraft bombed 40 targets in 25 minutes.

The attack on Khan Yunus devastated the house of the Al Astal family of 40 members. Five minutes before the attack, a missile was fired at this house, causing all the family members to escape.

Hamas’s Al-Aqsa Radio reported that one of its reporters was killed in an airstrike in Gaza City.

Doctors at Shifa Hospital said that the body of the reporter was among the five bodies brought on Wednesday morning. Of these, two people died due to the warning missile hitting their apartment.

On May 10, fighting between the two sides erupted after Hamas fired thousands of rockets at the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex against Israeli police action in support of Palestinian protesters.

According to Gaza’s health ministry, at least 219 Palestinian civilians have been killed in airstrikes so far. These include 63 children and 36 women.

Apart from this, 1530 people have been injured. At the same time, Hamas and Islamic Jihad say that 20 of their fighters have been killed.

While Israel says the number is at least 130. Rocket attacks have killed 12 Israelis, including a five-year-old boy.

The Israeli military said that Hamas has fired more than 3700 rockets on Israel. However, its air defense system ‘Iron Dome’ destroyed 90 percent of the rockets.

Israeli airstrikes demolish the large house: Gulf Arab countries bursting towards Israel.

Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and the killing of people in the Arab countries of the Gulf are strongly condemning Israel and expressing support for Palestine.

Anger against Israel is being seen in internet media, newspaper articles, through street protests.

Analysts say Israel’s efforts to normalize relations with other Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia, will suffer a setback due to this conflict.

People in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait are openly expressing support for Palestine on the internet media.

Israel accused Chinese government channel of being anti-Semitic on the Jews.

The Israeli embassy in China has lodged its protest, accusing it of being anti-Semitic in a program discussing the ongoing violence in Gaza and elsewhere by a foreign channel of government broadcaster CCTV.

The embassy said in a tweet, “We had expected that the world has gone through a period of conspiracy theories like being controlled by the Jews, but unfortunately Jewish opposition is once again coming out with its abominable face.

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