Six Grenades Found Near Police Public School Bemina

Six grenades found near Police Public School Bemina, defused by the bomb disposal squad.

A major accident was averted once again due to the vigilance of the security forces in the Bemina area of ​​Srinagar.

On the highway near Police Public School Bemina, six grenades placed by terrorists in cement sacks were detected by the road opening party of CRPF and defused by taking them to a safe place with the help of a bomb disposal squad.

According to the police, the incident happened this morning.

When a Quick Action Team of CRPF personnel was patrolling the Jammu Srinagar Highway, they saw a cement sack on the divider in the middle of the highway in front of the Police Public School in Bemina.

Seeing the sack, they got suspicious and when they examined it, they found a hand grenade in it.

Six grenades found: When the jawans emptied the sack, they were stunned to see that there were about six grenades kept in the sack.

They immediately stopped the vehicular movement on the highway and immediately informed the Bomb Disposal Squad of 73 Battalion.

The soldiers of the squad have reached the spot. The jawans took all the grenades in their possession and made them inactive by taking them to a safe place with the help of the police.

After all the grenades were inactive and there was no confirmation of the presence of terrorists nearby, the security forces returned from there and the vehicular movement was restored on the highway.

Narco-Terrorism: Lt Governor Sinha said- Neighboring country is now ruining the lives of youth through drug smuggling.

Lt Governor Manoj Sinha said that our neighboring country, which has failed in its nefarious attempt to disturb peace and prosperity, is now trying to ruin the future of youth by smuggling drugs.

He told the youth that we should contribute to the prosperity of the nation by staying away from drugs. Use our potential for the betterment of society.

Youth should not be misled and push their future into darkness. They are away from drugs and play an important role in nation-building. We have to fight drug addiction together.

This was stated by the Lieutenant Governor while presenting the award to the Young Achiever at the Kashmir Leadership Conference held at Sher-e-Kashmir International Convention Center, Srinagar.

He congratulated the award-winning youths who have done remarkable work in various fields and contributed to the change in society.

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