Easy Bread Roll Recipe – Perfect Light Snack For Evening Hunger

Easy Bread Roll Recipe – Perfect Light Snack for Evening Hunger.

Discover the perfect evening snack with our easy bread roll recipe. Learn how to make delicious and healthy bread rolls that pair perfectly with tea. Quick and tasty!

The bread roll is the perfect option for light hunger in the evening, prepare it quickly with this recipe.

As the evening approaches, a slight hunger often starts to bother, due to which people keep looking for something to eat with tea.

In the evening, everyone wants to eat something that matches perfectly with tea and is easy to make as well as delicious to eat.

In such a situation, bread rolls will prove to be a great option, which is very easy to make and it is also very tasty to eat. The special thing is that the fun of eating it with tea is also quite different.

If you also often feel a little hungry in the evening, then this time you can try a bread roll for tea. Let’s know an easy recipe to make healthy and tasty bread rolls

Bread Roll Recipe: Ingredients.

1. Brown bread slices.
2. 3 medium-sized potatoes, boiled and mashed.
3. 1/2 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, capsicum finely chopped).
4. 1 tsp ginger-garlic paste.
5. 1/2 tsp cumin powder.
6. 1/2 tsp coriander powder.
7. 1/4 tsp turmeric powder.
8. Salt and pepper to taste.
9. Fresh coriander leaves, chopped.

Method of preparation.

1. Add the ginger-garlic paste to a pan and fry till it smells aromatic.

2. Now add chopped vegetables and cook till they become slightly soft.

3. Add mashed potatoes, cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, salt and pepper.

4. Add fresh coriander leaves mix it well and then remove from the flame.

5. Flatten the bread slices with the help of a rolling pin. Place the mixture in the center apply some water on the edges and close the ends.

6. After this, apply some water on the edges seal carefully, and shape it into a roll.

7. Place the rolls on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and then brush the top of the rolls with a little olive oil.

8. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes or until they turn golden brown and crispy,


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