Unabomber, The Vicious Criminal Who Terrorize America, Died In jail

Unabomber, the vicious criminal who terrorize America, died in jail, so many blasts in 17 years.

Ted Kaczynski Unabomber: Theodore John Kaczynski, known as Yunabomber, died on 10 June. Kaczynski, 81, was a sharp mind as well as a vicious criminal.

Kaczynski, who terrorized America through his crimes, was accused of killing three people. This dreaded criminal had carried out 17 bomb blasts between 1978 and 1995.

Studied at Harvard University.

Vicious criminal and criminal who kept America in terror for years, Kaczynski did his studies from Harvard, the world’s top university. At the age of just 16, he got a scholarship from Harvard.

His mind used to move very fast in mathematics. What made Kaczynski, a simple man with a sharp mind, join the world of crime, this question remains till now.

Kaczewski earned his doctorate in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1967, before taking a job as an assistant mathematics professor at the University of California at Berkeley.

He resigned his position and moved to Montana in 1971, where he bought land and spent the winter. built a tar-paper cabin near Lincoln, a town of less than 1,000 people.

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