Krishna Katha: Lord Krishna’s Heart Is Kept In This Temple Of India
Krishna Katha: Lord Krishna’s heart is kept in this temple of India, read the story of Jagannath.
Krishna Katha: Do you know that even today the heart of Lord Krishna is safe in India? If not, then let us know about this amazing and unbelievable incident.
As we all know that after Lord Krishna’s death i.e. his arrival in Vaikunth, the five Pandavas together performed the last rites of Lord Krishna’s body according to Hindu customs.
But even Agnidev himself did not have the ability to burn Kanhaiya’s body. By burning it, we can merge it into the five elements.
Because of this, Pandavas drowned Kanhaiya’s body in Dwarkasagar. According to many legends, the body of God came flowing from west to east of India and got converted into a huge piece of wood.
When the senses came to dream.
After which Lord Krishna, in a dream, ordered Indrayam, the then king of Puri, to make an idol out of those woods and install it in a grand temple.
The king was very religious, and he brought that wood to the palace the very next day, but now the trouble was that no craftsman was able to make a wooden idol, due to which the king was very worried.
When Vishwakarma became a craftsman.
Then someday a vintage craftsman got here to the king from the front and said, “Rajan!
I understand your concern very well, don’t worry, I will make the idol of God, but I have a favor till I finish the work of making the idol, no one will come in that room, nor will it bite me.
If someone comes in between, I will stop the work at that very moment.
It is believed that the sculptor was none other than Vishwakarma, who was sent by God himself. The king accepted the condition of the craftsman.
When the king broke the condition.
For a long time the sound of banging kept coming from that room, but one day that sound stopped.
Due to no sound for a long time, the king got suspicious and entered the room, there he saw Baldev, Subhadra, and the Incomplete idols of Lord Jagannath.
That night once again the Lord appeared in his dream and ordered him to get the same idols installed in the temple.
Sent the priest to the seashore, from where he himself would receive Lord Krishna’s heart and would bring it and install it in the idol of Jagannath.
Do it but in this whole process, the eyes of the priest should be blindfolded.
When the heart of Shri Krishna comes into the front.
Even today all three deities are changed in an interval of 12 years and at that time the electricity of the entire city is switched off and the temple is handed over to the CRPF.
Only a priest is allowed to enter the temple, who is blindfolded even though it is dark.
The priest removes the heart from the old idol of Jagannath, which is called “Brahma material” in the local language, and sits in the new idol.
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