Journalists From Western Countries Will Not Be Able To Attend The International Economic Forum

Journalists from Western countries will not be able to attend the International Economic Forum, which Russia has banned.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has intensified once again. Ukraine is continuously moving to attack Russia.

At the same time, now Russian President Vladimir Putin has taken an important decision.

Putin’s spokesman said on Saturday that journalists from countries Russia does not consider its friends have been banned from reporting on the Economic Forum to be held in St. Petersburg this year.

The Economic Forum is one of the leading events in Russia.

Journalists from Western countries will not be able to attend IEF
Journalists from Western countries will not be able to attend IEF

Journalists from Western countries will not be able to attend IEF: International Economic Forum will run from 14-17 June.

It is clear from Russia’s move that Moscow’s hostility is increasing with countries that have banned or criticized Russia after the Ukraine war.

The International Economic Forum will be held in St. Petersburg from June 14-17. For several decades, it has been a major event for Russia to discuss development and invite investors.

Putin’s presence is clearly visible in the program. On this occasion, he often interacts with the officials of international media institutions.

Let us tell that after the Ukraine war, Russia does not formally consider many countries including America, Canada, European Union members, and Australia as its friends.

What is International Economic Forum?

The International Economic Forum was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a Swiss-German economist, and professor, to promote global cooperation on pressing problems.

Its first meeting was held in Davos more than five decades ago, since then it has been held in Davos only.

However, its meeting was held in New York in the year 2002 to show solidarity after the 9/11 attack. Western journalists have never before been banned from the platform in such a way.

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