Stone Pelting On Saffron Yatra In Haryana’s Mewat, Many Vehicles Were Also Burnt

Stone pelting on saffron yatra in Haryana’s Mewat, many vehicles were also burnt; internet service down.

People of a particular community pelted stones at the Braj Mandal Yatra in Haryana’s Nuh, injuring many.

Around five vehicles were set ablaze by the people during the clash. In view of the tense situation, internet service has also been suspended in Nuh and Hathin.

The journey had reached Gurugram.

The special thing is that like every year, this year also Brij Mandal Jalabhishek Yatra has been taken out.

During the yatra, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal activists in hundreds of vehicles from Gurugram also went to Nal Hud Shiv Temple Nuh to perform Jalabhishek of Lord Shiva.

Many vehicles were set on fire.

As soon as the yatra was reaching Shiv Mandir Nal Hud.

At the same time mischievous elements belonging to a particular community started pelting stones on the Yatra and also torched and vandalized many vehicles.

District President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad Gurugram Ajit Singh says that the yatra was suddenly attacked.

Although the police are not yet ready to speak anything regarding this matter, somewhere there is a tense atmosphere in the area.

It is not known how many people have been injured in this accident. Right now there is heavy stone pelting on Nuh Bypass, vehicles are being vandalized and arson is taking place.

Internet service stopped in Nuh and Hathin.

Bajrang Dal workers are stranded between Nalhar Road and Kheda Mor, police are missing and the situation is tense at the spot.

In view of the tense situation, an additional police force has been called from Gurugram and Palwal. Apart from this, internet service has been stopped in Nuh and Hathin.

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