Merry Christmas 2022: Jesus Christ Was Born After God’s Prophecy, Read This Story

Merry Christmas 2022: Jesus Christ was born after God’s prophecy, read this story.

Merry Christmas 2022: Every year on 25 December, the festival of Christmas is celebrated with great pomp. On this day Jesus Christ, the son of the Supreme Father God, was born.

Although the festival of Christmas is celebrated all over the world including in India, Christians in western countries celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm.

On the occasion of Christmas, churches and houses are decorated with Christmas trees and lights. On this day people give gifts to each other and celebrate the festival by feeding sweets.

It is believed that the founder of Christianity was Jesus or Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ changed the old structure of religion and taught religion to the people in a new way.

Let us know the story related to the birth of Jesus Christ.

Where was the birth of Jesus Christ?

According to the Christian scripture Bible, Jesus Christ was born in the Roman state of Bethlehem on December 25 to Joseph and his wife Mary.

Mary was engaged to a carpenter named Joseph and with the blessings of God, Mary became pregnant in a mysterious way before marriage.

Joseph also considered the birth of Jesus Christ a blessing from God and married Mary. Mary and Joseph are said to have named their son Jeshua or Christ Jeshua, which later became the name, Jesus.

The angels of heaven came in the dream.

According to the Bible, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and Joseph in a dream the day before Jesus was born. He told both of them that they would get a son in the form of God.

Jesus’ parents were from Nazareth. But, to avoid the tyranny of King Herod there, both went to Bethlehem. That is why Jesus was born in Bethlehem.


Gave religious education to Jews.

According to the Bible, when Jesus was 12 years old, he took education from the teachers of the Jews. At the same time, at the age of 30, Jesus took baptism from Saint John, that is, education in religion.

After this, he started teaching religion to the Jews. Jesus started refuting the orthodox ideas going on under the guise of religion and taught religion to be used for humanity.

God’s status to Jesus.

The religious education of Jesus Christ itself was called Christianity. But this step of Jesus was opposed by the fanatics of the Jews and the Roman king.

The Roman king started persecuting the people of Jesus. People started considering Jesus as their God and started calling him Jesus Christ.

Later the Roman king gave a death sentence to Jesus by saying that Jesus Christ calls himself the son of God.

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